Deepika took to Instagram to share photos of her ensemble for the evening. She dazzled in a purple saree that highlighted her growing baby bump, complemented by elegant golden jewelry and a sleek bun hairstyle.She captioned her post, “Just…coz its a Friday night & 👼🏼 wants to party!!!🤷🏽♀️😅” To which, Ranveer Singh replied, “Hayyyye! 🥰❤️ my beautiful birthday gift! I love you😘”
Deepika and her husband, Ranveer Singh, announced her pregnancy in March, with their baby expected to arrive in September. The couple, who tied the knot in 2018, are eagerly anticipating this new chapter in their lives.
In an intriguing prediction, renowned celebrity astrologer and face reader Pandit Jagannath Guruji has forecasted that Deepika and Ranveer are likely to welcome a baby boy, who will be a “prince to his parents.”
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Deepika has been sharing glimpses of her maternity journey and style. Recently, she posted a photo of herself performing prenatal yoga, emphasizing the importance of staying fit and healthy. She shared her 5-minute self-care routine during self-care month, stating, “I love a good workout. I don’t work out to ‘look good’ but to ‘feel fit’.”
In the photo, she was seen practicing the Viparita Karani, a yoga pose that involves lying with your legs up against the wall. This rejuvenating asana is known for its numerous benefits, including calming the nervous system and boosting the immune system, which are especially crucial in today’s fast-paced and stressful world.
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