NEW DELHI: A liquor shop owner in Madhya Pradesh was fined Rs 10,000 for the unauthorised advertisement of his shop. In an apparent attempt to boost sales, the owner had put up a banner 40-50 feet away from his shop saying, “Dindahade English bolna seekhen (learn to speak English during daytime)”, with an arrow pointing towards his shop.
Located in Burhanpur district‘s Nachankheda, the banner and its creative approach to liquor advertising quickly gained traction on social media platforms.While some individuals found the idea amusing, others expressed their disapproval.
This ingenious method also caught the attention of the authorities on Saturday and they swiftly swung into action.
Bhavya Mittal, the district collector of Burhanpur, directed the excise department to appropriate action against the vendor. A legal notice was served to the shop licensee by the excise officials.
The shop owner refuted any wrongdoing, asserting that the banner was placed on another person’s private property, suggesting a potential conspiracy against him by an unknown party. However, the police were unconvinced by his explanations and found them unsatisfactory. Ultimately, the authorities determined that he had breached the terms of his liquor license and imposed a fine accordingly.
Located in Burhanpur district‘s Nachankheda, the banner and its creative approach to liquor advertising quickly gained traction on social media platforms.While some individuals found the idea amusing, others expressed their disapproval.
This ingenious method also caught the attention of the authorities on Saturday and they swiftly swung into action.
Bhavya Mittal, the district collector of Burhanpur, directed the excise department to appropriate action against the vendor. A legal notice was served to the shop licensee by the excise officials.
The shop owner refuted any wrongdoing, asserting that the banner was placed on another person’s private property, suggesting a potential conspiracy against him by an unknown party. However, the police were unconvinced by his explanations and found them unsatisfactory. Ultimately, the authorities determined that he had breached the terms of his liquor license and imposed a fine accordingly.
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