Suryakumar, who recently led India to a 3-0 series victory over Sri Lanka, is currently enjoying a vacation with his wife, Devisha Shetty. On Wednesday, he shared a photo on Instagram with the caption: “Kapdo ke liye maafi. Iss kaam ke liye to time hi time hai.”
The Buchi Babu Tournament, a prestigious event in India’s domestic cricket calendar, will be an important opportunity for both Iyer and Suryakumar to sharpen their skills. The BCCI has encouraged Indian internationals to participate in domestic matches ahead of the international season to ensure they stay in peak form.
Suryakumar is also focused on making his mark in Test cricket, despite his success in the shorter formats.
Mumbai will be led by Sarfaraz Khan, who has been a standout performer in domestic cricket recently. With Iyer and Suryakumar joining the squad, Mumbai’s batting lineup is poised to be strong, enhancing their chances of making a significant impact in the tournament.
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