
Stree 2‘ is slowly on its way to touch the Rs 550 crore mark at the domestic box office. The film has proved to be a blockbuster which nobody even imagined it to be. So much so, that the film is now the second highest grossing Hindi movie ever, with ‘Jawan‘ on the number one slot. ‘Stree 2’ has broken the record of ‘Gadar 2‘ and ‘Pathaan‘ and that’s no small feat.Now that the film is in its fourth week, it’s started seeing a gradual drop in the business.
After making around Rs 18.5 crore over the 4th weekend, the film made only Rs 3.25 crore on Monday. And now, the Tuesday numbers are around Rs 3 crore. The total collection of the film so far is Rs 533.55 crore net in India, so far, according to Sacnilk.
‘Stree 2’ is surely unstoppable and this number in the fourth week on a weekday is still better than what many movies are making on their opening day lately. This run is also due to the fact that the film has managed to get an open window at the box office for a really long time with no other big film releasing. Even this week, only ‘Tumbdadd’ is re-releasing and is seeing good advance bookings. There’s clearly dearth of other good movies in the theatres which is also benefitting ‘Stree 2’ now in its 3rd and 4th week.
With this, ‘Stree 2’ is expected to beat ‘Jawan’ this week and become the highest grossing movie Hindi movie ever.


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