Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, continues to dominate the box office, showing no signs of slowing down even in its fifth week. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the horror-comedy has been raking in impressive numbers despite the release of new films.
According to Sacnilk, Stree 2 is expected to collect around Rs 7 crore on day 32, with a 30 per cent occupancy in theaters, bringing its total box office collection to a massive Rs 555.10 crore.The film’s fifth weekend is trending as the highest of all time, surpassing the numbers of Uri: The Surgical Strike. The film is on track to achieve another milestone, aiming to become the first film to collect Rs 20 crore net in its fifth week.
Since its release, Stree 2 has received positive reviews for its blend of humor, suspense, and social commentary. Audiences and critics alike have praised the sequel for living up to the expectations set by the 2018 hit Stree. The film’s strong storyline, witty dialogues, and stellar performances by the lead cast have played a significant role in its continued success.
According to Sacnilk, Stree 2 is expected to collect around Rs 7 crore on day 32, with a 30 per cent occupancy in theaters, bringing its total box office collection to a massive Rs 555.10 crore.The film’s fifth weekend is trending as the highest of all time, surpassing the numbers of Uri: The Surgical Strike. The film is on track to achieve another milestone, aiming to become the first film to collect Rs 20 crore net in its fifth week.
Since its release, Stree 2 has received positive reviews for its blend of humor, suspense, and social commentary. Audiences and critics alike have praised the sequel for living up to the expectations set by the 2018 hit Stree. The film’s strong storyline, witty dialogues, and stellar performances by the lead cast have played a significant role in its continued success.
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With its strong box office performance, Stree 2 is set to break more records and solidify its position as a major success in the horror-comedy genre.
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