In the centenary year of Raj Kapoor, the International Film Festival of India will screen some of his restored films along with a conversation featuring Ranbir Kapoor and filmmaker Rahul Rawail.
Filmmaker Rahul Rawail, who has been Raj Kapoor’s assistant and a family friend, said, “Raj Sahab has had a huge influence on my life. I am blessed to have been mentored by him.”
He added, “The conversation with Ranbir Kapoor will be about his grandfather Raj Kapoor and his cinema. Although Ranbir was very young when Raj ji passed away, his influence has been on him.”
Among the highlights, Raj Kapoor’s ‘Awaara‘ will be showcased in a digitally restored form that revives the warmth, humour, and empathy Kapoor brought to the common man’s journey. This restoration celebrates Kapoor’s unparalleled contribution to Indian cinema and his artistic commitment to portraying societal issues with depth and compassion.
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