Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met with CEOs and business leaders in Sydney on Thursday during his official visit to Australia. He emphasized the potential for India and Australia to support each other’s economic growth.
On social media platform X, Jaishankar stated, “A good start to the day meeting CEOs and business leaders in Sydney. Underlined ongoing transformations in India in digital, infrastructure, manufacturing and skilling. Highlighted natural complementarities between India and Australia to support each other’s growth.”
He further added, “Our robust business and investment linkages are key drivers of our Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.”
The minister also interacted with members of the Indian diaspora, Members of Parliament, and friends of India at the New South Wales Parliament in Sydney. He expressed gratitude to the Indian community, stating, “Thanked the Indian community for their active contribution in energising India-Australia partnership.”
Additionally, Jaishankar participated in a discussion with foreign affairs and strategy experts at the Lowy Institute, an independent think tank based in Sydney.
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