No citizen in UP is safe under CM Yogi Adityanath who has given the slogan ‘batenge toh katenge’, Congress said. Party spokesperson Pawan Khera said, “Western UP, which has been a symbol of goodwill and harmony for years, has today witnessed three people killed and many injured under a well-planned conspiracy.”
“The Adityanath administration is squarely responsible for killing innocents and only BJP-RSS is guilty of setting fire to the peace and harmony of Sambhal.”
He said the administration “has, once again, shown a blatant disregard for communal harmony“.
“In this entire matter, BJP neither wanted the survey to proceed nor to stop it; its sole aim was to destroy harmony. No action was taken against the rioters who accompanied the survey team. This makes it clear that after the bypolls, Yogi govt has intensified the politics of hatred.”
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