A new video has surfaced online, offering fans an intimate glimpse into the home of Bollywood stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. The couple, who currently reside in their Pali Hill apartment, are preparing to move into a new house soon. Meanwhile, this video provides a look at their massive kitchen, blending simplicity with personal touches.
The video, shared by the couple’s home chefs, reveals a thoughtfully designed kitchen that balances functionality and aesthetics. While the space is equipped with everyday appliances for practicality, it also reflects Ranbir and Alia’s personal style. One standout feature is a handmade artwork portraying the couple with their daughter, Raha Kapoor. Additionally, the fridge is adorned with magnets of animated animals, adding a playful and heartwarming touch.
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The chefs highlighted the kitchen’s bright and airy ambiance, enhanced by a large window that floods the space with natural light. It also features centralized air conditioning and a stove hood for efficient cooking. The space exudes a sense of coziness, perfect for a family environment.
Fans are keeping a close eye on the construction of Ranbir and Alia’s new home, reportedly being built on the site of the Kapoor family’s iconic Krishna Raj bungalow in Pali Hill. Purchased by Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor in the 1980s, the bungalow was recently demolished to make way for an eight-story high-rise.
Reports suggest that the new building will house separate floors for different members of the Kapoor family. Neetu Kapoor is expected to have her personal residence on one floor, while another floor will be dedicated to Ranbir, Alia, and Raha. However, the family has yet to confirm these details.
While fans eagerly await their move into the new house, this glimpse into Ranbir and Alia’s current home has only added to the excitement.
On the work front, Ranbir was last seen in Animal and Alia Bhatt in ‘Jigra’.
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