NEW DELHI: Telugu actor Allu Arjun was arrested on Friday, in connection with a stampede that occurred during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre, Hyderabad. The December 4 incident led to the death of Revathi, a 35-year-old woman, and injuries to her son. Allegations of poor crowd management and negligence have since surfaced, with the actor and others facing legal action.
What we know so far
December 4, 2024: Stampede
- The stampede occurred during Pushpa 2’s premiere when Allu Arjun appeared at Sandhya Theatre, leading to an unmanaged rush.
- Revathi, a 35-year-old woman, died, and her son was injured in the chaos.
- The police cited inadequate crowd control and mismanagement as primary causes.
Initial arrests
- Three individuals, including a co-partner of the theatre, were arrested for negligence.
- Police highlighted the absence of proper security arrangements and a lack of separate entry/exit points for the actor’s team.
December 13, 2024: Allu Arjun’s arrest
- A police team detained Allu Arjun from his home in Hyderabad.
- He was later sent to 14-day judicial custody by a Telangana court.
- The police registered a case under sections 105 and 118(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS).
Actor’s legal response
Allu Arjun filed a petition in the Telangana high court to quash the FIR and sought a stay on all legal proceedings.
Police statement
Authorities criticised the theatre management for failing to make additional provisions for crowd control. “The theatre management did not make any additional provisions regarding security…though the theatre management had information about their arrival,” the police stated.
Charges against Allu Arjun
The police have registered a case under sections 105 (Culpable homicide not amounting to murder), 118(1) (Voluntarily causing hurt) of Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) at the Chikkadpally police station based on the complaint lodged by the deceased woman’s family.
Besides Allu Arjun, his security team and the management of the theatre are also named. The case was registered at Chikkadpally Police Station on December 5 on a complaint by the woman’s husband.
What Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Zone)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central Zone) Akshansh Yadav provided a detailed account of the tragic events at the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule on December 13, 2024. The show was scheduled at Sandhya 70mm Theatre in Chikkadpally RTC X Road at 9:40 PM.
A massive crowd had gathered to watch the movie and catch a glimpse of actor Allu Arjun, who was anticipated to visit.
The theatre management, despite being aware of the actor’s arrival, failed to notify the authorities or make necessary security arrangements, including a separate entry or exit for the actor and his team. Around 9:30 PM, Allu Arjun arrived at the venue with his personal security team. The crowd surged towards him, trying to enter the theatre. According to the DCP: “His personal security team started pushing the public which further aggravated the situation as there was already a huge gathering at the theatre.”
The commotion led to overcrowding in the lower balcony area. Among the victims was 35-year-old Revathi and her 13-year-old son Sri Tej, who were suffocated due to the influx of people. Police personnel on duty rescued them and performed CPR on the boy.
They were immediately rushed to Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital, where doctors pronounced Revathi dead. Her son was transferred to another hospital for advanced treatment.
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