Alia Bhatt shared a tender moment with her daughter Raha Kapoor during a family outing to a football match in Mumbai on Saturday. A video that has gone viral shows the doting mother giving a sweet kiss on Raha’s cheek while they spent time on the field.
The two-year-old, who recently celebrated her birthday on November 6, looked adorable in a blue football jersey, matching her father, Ranbir Kapoor. Alia, dressed casually in a white top, blue jeans, and a black hoodie, couldn’t resist cuddling her little one as they enjoyed the lively atmosphere at the stadium.
Fans were left gushing over the precious moment, with many praising Alia and Ranbir for cherishing quality time with their daughter despite their busy schedules.
The couple who tied the knot on April 14, 2022 also welcomed their daughter, Raha, in November the same year.
On the work front, Ranbir has the most awaited ‘Ramayana’, Alia will be seen in ‘Alpha’ directed by Shiv Rawail also stars Sharvari Wagh in the lead role and promises to deliver an exciting new chapter in the YRF Spy Universe.
In addition, Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor will share the screen space in an upcoming ‘Love & War’, helmed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the film also star Vicky Kaushal.
Alia Bhatt greets and waves at her little fans as she gets spotted in Santacruz
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