Anupam Kher tied the knot with Kirron Kher in 1985, and the duo is known for their enduring love story that inspires many. In a recent chat, Anupam shared insights about their long-term friendship and how they eventually fell for each other, as life had different plans for both of them. Their friendship began during their college days in Chandigarh, and they reconnected in Mumbai, which led to their romantic relationship.
In a conversation with Shubhankar Mishra, Anupam revealed that while he was unmarried, Kirron was married during their 12-year-long friendship. Kirron Kher was his senior in college, and he recalled her as an exceptional achiever, a top student, talented actress, and India-level badminton player. He mentioned how both of them later moved to Mumbai, with Kirron relocating after marrying Gautam Berry. As struggling artists, Anupam and Satish Kaushik often visited Kirron and Gautam’s home for dinner. Kirron would offer them Rs 50 for a taxi, but they would save the money by taking the bus instead.
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The ‘Saaransh’ actor reflected on how his relationship with Kirron evolved from friendship to love. He added that during a difficult phase in their lives, Kirron facing challenges in her marriage and Anupam recovering from a breakup, they found solace in each other, eventually falling in love and getting married.
Anupam further shared what he admires most about Kirron: “She is the most honest person—bindass, beautiful, caring, and she has a strong character.” He emphasized that these qualities were the reason their long-standing friendship blossomed into a deeply committed marriage.
Anupam Kher is a loving father to Kirron Kher’s son from her previous marriage, actor Sikander Kher. The couple has not had children of their own, even after 39 years of marriage.
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