Apple launched its latest iPhone 16 series of smartphones at ‘its Glowtime’ event on September 9. During the launch the company revealed that Apple Intelligence, the personal intelligence system that combines the power of generative models with personal context will start rolling out next month with iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS Sequoia 15.1, with more features launching in the coming months.
Apple Intelligence first launches in U.S. English, and will quickly expand to include localised English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the U.K. in December, with additional language support — such as Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish — coming next year.
The company has also announced that Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later.
Apple Intelligence first launches in U.S. English, and will quickly expand to include localised English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and the U.K. in December, with additional language support — such as Chinese, French, Japanese, and Spanish — coming next year.
The company has also announced that Apple Intelligence will be available on iPhone 16, iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro, iPhone 16 Pro Max, iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPad and Mac with M1 and later.
Key features and capabilities of Apple Intelligence include:
- On-device processing: Many of the AI models that power Apple Intelligence run entirely on your device, ensuring your privacy by keeping your data local.
- Private Cloud Compute: For more complex tasks, Apple Intelligence can leverage server-based models that run on dedicated Apple silicon servers, while still prioritising privacy.
- Enhanced Siri: Apple Intelligence empowers Siri with onscreen awareness, allowing it to understand and take action with things on your screen. For example, you can say “Add this address to their contact card” when a friend texts you their new address, and Siri will handle it.
- Improved writing and expression: Apple Intelligence helps you write, express yourself visually, and get things done more efficiently. It can suggest words and phrases, generate different creative text formats, and even create images based on your descriptions.
- Personalised experiences: Apple Intelligence draws on your personal context to tailor its suggestions and recommendations to your specific needs and preferences.
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