NEW DELHI: The Higher Education Department of the Government of Assam has released guidelines and a schedule for admissions to the Four-year Undergraduate Programme (FYUGP), Five-year Integrated Master Programme (FYIMP), and Five-year Integrated Post Graduate Programme (FYIPGP) for the year 2024.
As per the schedule, the admission process for undergraduate and postgraduate courses at various universities will begin on May 27, 2024.
Admission for UG, Masters, and Postgraduate programs will be conducted through the common admission portal – assamadmission.samarth.ac.in. This applies to all government colleges, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalayas, provincialised colleges, government model colleges, autonomous colleges, state university campuses, and private, venture, and non-government colleges affiliated with state universities and Assam University.
Students will get six options for course selection either in the same Higher Educational Institution (University/Colleges) or in different Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) University/Colleges).
Assam UG, PG Admission Schedule2024
As per the schedule, the admission process for undergraduate and postgraduate courses at various universities will begin on May 27, 2024.
Admission for UG, Masters, and Postgraduate programs will be conducted through the common admission portal – assamadmission.samarth.ac.in. This applies to all government colleges, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Adarsha Mahavidyalayas, provincialised colleges, government model colleges, autonomous colleges, state university campuses, and private, venture, and non-government colleges affiliated with state universities and Assam University.
Students will get six options for course selection either in the same Higher Educational Institution (University/Colleges) or in different Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) University/Colleges).
Assam UG, PG Admission Schedule2024
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