Deepika Padukone was recently seen at Kalina airport with her daughter, Dua Padukone Singh, in a heartwarming family moment, that captured the attention of fans and media alike. This outing marks one of the rare public appearances of the actress with her newborn since she and husband Ranveer Singh announced their daughter’s name in a touching Diwali post. In the announcement, they described Dua as “the answer to our prayers,” reflecting their joy and gratitude.
In the photo, Deepika can be seen holding the little one close to her chest as she comes out from the private airport at Kalina. Dressed in an orange outfit, the actress didn’t stop to pose for the paparazzi. (pics: Yogen Shah)
A few days back, the couple recently stepped out with their daughter, Dua, for the first time since her birth. The couple was spotted at Mumbai’s Kalina airport, marking a special family outing. They had previously shared a heartfelt Diwali post revealing their daughter’s name, describing Dua as “the answer to our prayers.” In the joint Instagram post, they showcased her tiny feet, with Dua twinning in red with Deepika.
What’s your reaction to Deepika Padukone spotted with her daughter at the airport?
On the work front, Deepika Padukone has had several notable releases in recent years, including ‘Pathaan’, ‘Jawan’, ‘Fighter’, ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, and the latest, ‘Singham Again’. Meanwhile, Ranveer Singh is currently working on Aditya Dhar’s upcoming film, which also stars Sanjay Dutt, R. Madhavan, Arjun Rampal, and Akshaye Khanna.
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