Nick Jonas, known for his loving role as father to Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, regularly shares heartwarming posts and videos of their daughter, much like his mother, Priyanka Chopra. Recently, Priyanka Chopra delighted fans by posting a video capturing special moments with her mother, Madhu Chopra, daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas, and their friends. The actress also expressed missing her husband and singer, Nick Jonas, on Instagram this Saturday.
The video began with Malti Marie Chopra Jonas walking towards a table, followed by Priyanka in a black robe over a pink outfit.Malti was dressed in a green frock with a grey sweater. They rolled on the floor, with Malti laughing as Priyanka threw her up in the air and caught her again.
The actress also shared an eye-catchy caption that read, “My angel baby, my best friend, my godson, my brother from another mother, and my actual mother. There is nothing like family and friends to keep you rejuvenated. Miss you, Gaga, @nickjonas. I can’t wait until you’re here. #thebluff (pirate flag emoji) #homeiswheretheheartis #workingmom.” Reacting to the post, Nick Jonas shared a crying emoji in the comments section.
Well, what caught eyeballs is the line, “Miss you, Gaga, @Nick Jonas.” This hints that baby Malti might be fondly addressing her papa as ‘Gaga’.
Priyanka Chopra is currently in Australia filming her upcoming movie, The Bluff, directed by Frank E. Flowers. Set in the 19th-century Caribbean, the film revolves around a former female pirate portrayed by Priyanka, who finds herself defending her family when her past mistakes come back to haunt her. Produced by AGBO Studios, founded by the Russo Brothers, and Amazon MGM Studios, The Bluff is anticipated to deliver an exciting adventure narrative.
Priyanka Chopra recently completed filming for the much-awaited film Heads of State. This upcoming action comedy features a star-studded cast including Idris Elba, John Cena, and Jack Quaid, directed by Ilya Naishuller.
The video began with Malti Marie Chopra Jonas walking towards a table, followed by Priyanka in a black robe over a pink outfit.Malti was dressed in a green frock with a grey sweater. They rolled on the floor, with Malti laughing as Priyanka threw her up in the air and caught her again.
The actress also shared an eye-catchy caption that read, “My angel baby, my best friend, my godson, my brother from another mother, and my actual mother. There is nothing like family and friends to keep you rejuvenated. Miss you, Gaga, @nickjonas. I can’t wait until you’re here. #thebluff (pirate flag emoji) #homeiswheretheheartis #workingmom.” Reacting to the post, Nick Jonas shared a crying emoji in the comments section.
Well, what caught eyeballs is the line, “Miss you, Gaga, @Nick Jonas.” This hints that baby Malti might be fondly addressing her papa as ‘Gaga’.
Priyanka Chopra is currently in Australia filming her upcoming movie, The Bluff, directed by Frank E. Flowers. Set in the 19th-century Caribbean, the film revolves around a former female pirate portrayed by Priyanka, who finds herself defending her family when her past mistakes come back to haunt her. Produced by AGBO Studios, founded by the Russo Brothers, and Amazon MGM Studios, The Bluff is anticipated to deliver an exciting adventure narrative.
Priyanka Chopra recently completed filming for the much-awaited film Heads of State. This upcoming action comedy features a star-studded cast including Idris Elba, John Cena, and Jack Quaid, directed by Ilya Naishuller.
Behind-the-Scenes: Priyanka Chopra Jonas Shares Blood-Smeared Set Video
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