
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has come out in support of arrested Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. The 39-year-old Russian billionaire was detained at a Paris airport on alleged failure to curb the criminal use of his platform. In a series of posts on X, formerly Twitter, Musk termed Durov’s arrest as an attack on free speech. Musk also drew a parallel of Durov’s arrest with the recent riots in the UK.The Tesla CEO had widely criticised the UK government’s handling of the riots. In posts on X, Musk claimed that Musk highlighted complaints that the British criminal justice system treated Muslims more leniently than far-right activists and compared Britain’s crackdown on social media users to the Soviet Union.

Joining the group of people who have slammed Durov’s arrest, Musk has posted several times on X (formerly Twitter). He has posted, reshared and replied to several such posts criticising the arrest. His posts also include memes.
In one such post on X, he wrote “It is vital to the support of free speech that you forward 𝕏 posts to people you know, especially in censorship-heavy countries”.

Talking about the importance of free speech in a post, he said “Freedom of Speech is the bedrock of democracy”, adding that “in order for X to be the public square of the world”, it has to be a free speech platform. Take a look at the video below

Musk has also shared a couple memes to voice his concerns.

In another post, he attacked Meta CEO Mark Zuckerbger stating that “Instagram has a massive child exploitation problem, but no arrest for Zuck, as he censors free speech and gives governments backdoor access to user data”.


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