PUNE: The Maharashtra excise department on Monday filed chargesheets against two pubs in Mundhwa who allegedly served alcohol to a few minors, including a builder’s 17-year-old son who later rammed a Porsche Taycan car into a motorcycle killing two software engineers on it.
The accident occurred in Kalyaninagar around 2.30am on Sunday. Police have registered separate FIRs against the establishments and the boy’s father.”We accessed CCTV footage, which clearly showed the minor car driver and some other boys consuming liquor before the fatal accident,” Vasant Kausadikar, senior Pune excise inspector, said.
A police officer said the minor and four of his friends visited the first pub at 10.40pm on Saturday and had a few drinks. “However, they stepped out at 12.10am on Sunday after pub staff refused to serve them liquor citing closing hours. The group then moved to the other pub where they stayed up to 2am before heading home.”
Kausadikar said the two establishments also did not have the mandatory “naukarnama” and neither did they maintain registers on purchase and sale of liquor. “One of them had not updated its register for the last two days while the other could not produce one at all. The chargesheets also contain these violations,” he said.
The accident occurred in Kalyaninagar around 2.30am on Sunday. Police have registered separate FIRs against the establishments and the boy’s father.”We accessed CCTV footage, which clearly showed the minor car driver and some other boys consuming liquor before the fatal accident,” Vasant Kausadikar, senior Pune excise inspector, said.
A police officer said the minor and four of his friends visited the first pub at 10.40pm on Saturday and had a few drinks. “However, they stepped out at 12.10am on Sunday after pub staff refused to serve them liquor citing closing hours. The group then moved to the other pub where they stayed up to 2am before heading home.”
Kausadikar said the two establishments also did not have the mandatory “naukarnama” and neither did they maintain registers on purchase and sale of liquor. “One of them had not updated its register for the last two days while the other could not produce one at all. The chargesheets also contain these violations,” he said.
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