NEW DELHI: The Enforcement Directorate Saturday arrested Congress’s Sonipat MLA Surendra Pawar in a money-laundering case related to illegal mining in Yamuna Nagar. The syndicate, of which Pawar is accused of being a member, has allegedly generated ‘proceeds of crime‘ of Rs 500 crore, according to ED sources.
The MLA was produced before a special PMLA court in Ambala on Saturday which remanded him in ED custody.
The ED’s money-laundering probe is based on an FIR filed by Haryana Police last year against Pawar and others in relation to illegal mining. In Jan this year, ED had raided at least 20 locations in Haryana and other places belonging to Pawar, his associate Dilbag Singh and other accomplices. Earlier, the agency had arrested Dilbag Singh and Kulwinder Singh in the illegal mining case.
The MLA was produced before a special PMLA court in Ambala on Saturday which remanded him in ED custody.
The ED’s money-laundering probe is based on an FIR filed by Haryana Police last year against Pawar and others in relation to illegal mining. In Jan this year, ED had raided at least 20 locations in Haryana and other places belonging to Pawar, his associate Dilbag Singh and other accomplices. Earlier, the agency had arrested Dilbag Singh and Kulwinder Singh in the illegal mining case.
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