Sunaina Roshan took to her social media handle to share the video of the same. The clip begins with Sunaina welcoming Bappa home, followed by the rituals and routine of lovingly, taking care of and worshiping the idol.Then finally came the time to bid adios to Bappa with a warm farewell. On the day of the Visarjan, Sunaina was joined by family including Saba. The video shows Saba Azad doing the aarti while her beau Hrithik Roshan stood right next to her.
Saba Azad wore a mustard yellow churidar-kurta set with a matching dupatta for the festivity. She accentuated her look with minimum makeup and her hair tied in a bun. Hrithik Roshan on the other hand wore a basic white t-shirt and matching trousers. He donned a black cap and followed Saba during the aarti. Besides their style and devotion, what steals the spotlight is the smile that Saba and Hrithik don on their faces.
Watch the video here:
A week ago, Saba was seen at the 75th birthday celebration of Hrithik’s father Rakesh Roshan. Hrithik and Saba added much love to the family image as they stood by each others’ side. The celebration also saw the presence of Pinkie Roshan, Sunaina, Hrithik’s sons Hrehaan and Hridaan, Rajesh Roshan, his daughter Pashmina, and his son Eshaan.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the handsome star Hrithik is currently shooting for his upcoming action-thriller, ‘War 2.’ Further, he is coming up with a docu-series titled ‘The Roshans’ along with his father. The series promises to offer a peek into the three-generation legacy of the family and is expected to be released on Netflix in December 2024.
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