Tillotama Shome recently took to social media to criticize the lack of support for independent films in India. Her poignant post shed light on the financial and logistical hurdles that indie filmmakers face, even when their work achieves international acclaim. She expressed admiration for the women who made it to Cannes, underscoring the hardships they endured to get there. “Ask them and you will weep,” she wrote, emphasizing the often-overlooked struggles behind their glamorous appearances.
In an interview with News18, Malayalam actress Kani Kusruti, one of the leads in ‘All We Imagine As Light,’ echoed Tillotama’s sentiments. She acknowledged the critical role of their producers, who managed to pool resources to cover their expenses for attending Cannes. “Since our film was in one of the main categories, they could pool in that money at least to go. But for others, I don’t know how [tough] it is,” Kani remarked, highlighting the broader issue faced by many indie filmmakers.
Kani expressed a desire for a more streamlined support system for indie actors and filmmakers. She pointed out that the producers of independent films often operate on very tight budgets, driven more by passion and vision than financial gain. “Producers of independent films don’t have money. They only see the vision of the director and whatever little money they have, they give it to them to make the film,” she explained.
Kani also highlighted similar sentiments shared by her peers, including Tanmay Dhanania, an actor in ‘Shameless.’ He criticized the misallocation of resources, pointing out that while some celebrities attend the festival with ease, indie filmmakers struggle to gather the necessary funds. This sentiment resonates deeply within the indie film community, where recognition does not always translate into financial support.
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