Earlier this year, while promoting her movie Fighter, Deepika was asked, if she would like to do more woman centric roles. To this, the diva replied, “Yeah sure, wait for Shakti Shetty!” referring to Singham 3, in which he plays the lead role of a cop.
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“But to complete my thought, you never anyway never do anything alone. I don’t think women can succeed without men and men can’t succeed without women. I think we need to rephrase the definition of feminism,” she added.
The further went on to answer of more and meatier roles should be written for women. “The space is there, the writers have to write. It will happen, I think it is just a matter of time. Post COVID, everyone felt a bit rattled. It was a new experience everyone was coming out of and we made a lot of assumptions about where we are headed. We are jumping too soon in this journey of what’s working, what’s not working, that only big budgets films (are working). Actors service a script, a director. You invest in stories, you invest in characters, you invest in people, you invest in the journey.”
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