RANCHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday greeted the people of Jharkhand on the state’s foundation, stating that the sacrifices of the tribal community have irrigated the land here. Jharkhand was carved out of Bihar on November 15, 2000, which happens to be the birth anniversary of tribal icon Birsa Munda.
“Many best wishes to all my brothers and sisters of Jharkhand on the foundation day of the state. This land irrigated by the struggles and sacrifices of the tribal community has always made the country proud. I wish that this state, full of natural resources, moves ahead at a fast pace on the path of development,” the PM posted on X.
Birsa Munda, known as ‘Dharti Aba’ (father of the land), was born on November 15, 1875. He had led the tribal uprising against the British and died at the age of 25 while in custody.
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