SRINAGAR: More than 7.60 percent of the 17.37 lakh electorate exercised their franchise in the first two hours of polling in the Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency in Jammu and Kashmir on Monday, officials said here. An official of the election department said polling was going on smoothly across the Lok Sabha constituency which comprises 18 assembly segments and is spread over four districts of Baramulla, Bandipora, Kupwara and Budgam.
In the delimitation exercise carried out in Jammu and Kashmir in 2022, three assembly segments — two from Budgam and one in Kupwara — were added to the old Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency.
National Conference vice president Omar Abdullah, People’s Conference president Sajad Gani Lone and jailed head of Awami Ittehad Party (AIP) Sheikh Abdul Rashid alias Engineer Rashid are among the key candidates in the fray.
The polling will close at 6 pm in the constituency which had recorded a turnout of nearly 35 per cent in 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
In the delimitation exercise carried out in Jammu and Kashmir in 2022, three assembly segments — two from Budgam and one in Kupwara — were added to the old Baramulla Lok Sabha constituency.
National Conference vice president Omar Abdullah, People’s Conference president Sajad Gani Lone and jailed head of Awami Ittehad Party (AIP) Sheikh Abdul Rashid alias Engineer Rashid are among the key candidates in the fray.
The polling will close at 6 pm in the constituency which had recorded a turnout of nearly 35 per cent in 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
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