On Wednesday morning, Bollywood was shocked to learn of the unfortunate passing of Anil Mehta, the father of actors Malaika and Amrita Arora. On September 11, 2024, Anil Mehta left for his heavenly abode. Malaika’s former husband, Arbaaz Khan, her ex-beau, Arjun Kapoor, and other close relatives came to Malaika’s parents’ Bandra home to offer their condolences for her late father.The paparazzi also spotted Arhaan Khan, the son of Malaika and Arbaaz, outside their residence. After paying his grandfather his last respects, Arhaan was seen heartbroken. Nirvaan Khan, his cousin, escorted him and extended his support.
A paparazzi uploaded a video on Instagram where Arhaan Khan can be seen exiting the premises through a gate. Arhaan and his aunt Amrita Arora were sitting in the car, and Arhaan was visibly distraught. Nirvaan Khan, the son of Sohail Khan and Seema Sajdeh, was also seen with him. Nirvaan got inside the car after Arhaan.
Malaika Arora took to Instagram and shared the official statement where she confirmed the news of his father, Anil Mehta’s demise. She also requested privacy from the media and well-wishers during her difficult time. The statement read, “We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our dear father, Anil Mehta. He was a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband, and our best friend. Our family is in deep shock by this loss, and we kindly request privacy from the media and well-wishers during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding, support, and respect.”
The cremation service for the late Anil Mehta will take place at Santacruz Hindu Crematorium in Mumbai on September 12, at 11 AM. Apparently, upon learning of her father’s passing, Malaika, who was at the time in Pune, rushed back to Mumbai. Anil is survived by his wife, Joyce Polycarp, and two daughters, Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora.
A paparazzi uploaded a video on Instagram where Arhaan Khan can be seen exiting the premises through a gate. Arhaan and his aunt Amrita Arora were sitting in the car, and Arhaan was visibly distraught. Nirvaan Khan, the son of Sohail Khan and Seema Sajdeh, was also seen with him. Nirvaan got inside the car after Arhaan.
Malaika Arora took to Instagram and shared the official statement where she confirmed the news of his father, Anil Mehta’s demise. She also requested privacy from the media and well-wishers during her difficult time. The statement read, “We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our dear father, Anil Mehta. He was a gentle soul, a devoted grandfather, a loving husband, and our best friend. Our family is in deep shock by this loss, and we kindly request privacy from the media and well-wishers during this difficult time. We appreciate your understanding, support, and respect.”
The cremation service for the late Anil Mehta will take place at Santacruz Hindu Crematorium in Mumbai on September 12, at 11 AM. Apparently, upon learning of her father’s passing, Malaika, who was at the time in Pune, rushed back to Mumbai. Anil is survived by his wife, Joyce Polycarp, and two daughters, Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora.
Malaika Arora’s Father Anil Arora Found Dead
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