AMARAVATI: Andhra Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan on Saturday said that drugs have emerged as a menace in the state and called for a special focus to curb drug mafia. Pinning the blame for this menace on the erstwhile YSRCP regime, he emphasised that a special focus is needed to curb ganja (marijuana) cultivation and related criminal activities in the state.
“Drugs have become a menace in the state. Another legacy issue our NDA govt (government) inherited from previous corrupt and criminal regime (YSRCP). A special focus is needed to curb drug mafia, ganja cultivation and related criminal activities in the state,” said Kalyan in a post on ‘X’, tagging Union Home Minister Amit Shah.
Recalling a drug container’s seizure at Vizag Port some months ago and the seizure of drugs elsewhere in the country, Kalyan alleged that those developments had links to a trading company in Vijayawada.
He alleged that the drug mafia had flourished under the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy-led regime, and called for a comprehensive action plan to tackle criminals indulging in these activities.
Further, he claimed that the previous YSRCP regime had also robbed the state of its natural resources.
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