Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh became parents to a beautiful baby girl this year in September. They recently announced her name as Dua Padukone Singh. While DP is busy being a doting mom and spending most of her time with the little one, the actress keeps her fans updated about her new life through reels and memes on social media, which are too cute to miss. For instance, Deepika has now given a glimpse of her skincare routine after she’s become a mother.
This funny reel sees a man just washing his face with water and nothing else and it read, “My skincare routine after becoming a new mom.”
Interestingly, Deepika has launched a skincare brand and yet looks like she doesn’t seem to find time for her skincare with a complex routine.
Netizens found deep relatability with this reel and dropped comments. Deepika and Ranveer recently took their first holiday with their baby girl and their families had also accompanied them for this trip. This was during their anniversary this month.
On work front, Deepika was last seen in an extended cameo in ‘Singham Again‘ which also saw Ranveer Singh along with Ajay Devgn, Arjun Kapoor, Tiger Shroff, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Akshay Kumar.
Rohit Shetty has confirmed that there will be a new film just based on Deepika’s ‘Lady Singham’ character and that’s the reason why she was introduced in the movie.
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