PUNE: The Pune rural police initiated on Thursday evening the process of registering a case against probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar’s mother, Manorama, in relation to an old video clip in which she is seen waving a firearm during a heated argument over land ownership with some farmers at Dhadavali village, Mulshi taluka.
SP Pankaj Deshmukh (Pune Rural) told TOI, “We have verified the video clip with the persons who shot it during the incident on June 5, 2023 in Mulshi taluka.”
Deshmukh said, “A case is being registered under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Indian Arms Act against Manorama and the people who accompanied her, based on farmer Pandharinath Pasalkar’s (67) complaint.”
When contacted, Pasalkar told TOI, “I filed a complaint against Manorama and others for threatening us despite the fact that the land dispute case is pending before a civil court.They even lodged a complaint against us.”
Manorama did not respond to text messages sent to her by TOI seeking her version of the matter. Her lawyer Ravindra Sutar told TOI, “The land dispute is pending before the civil court at Shivajinagar in Pune. For now, I have no instructions from my client to offer any comments on the video which is in circulation on social media. You can contact my client to seek their comments.”
Sutar, however, released a video in which he said that Manorama is his client. “The disputed property is in her possession and the related documents are submitted before the court. When she had gone to visit the disputed land, some people did not allow her to enter the land. She has filed a complaint with the Paud police and the FIR has been submitted before the court. As the land is in a secluded spot, she was carrying her licensed firearm for self-defence,” Sutar has said in the video.
In the June 5, 2023 incident video, Manorama is seen having reached the spot along with some private male and female bouncers and an earthmoving machine and arguing with one of the farmers as both sides claim ownership of the land. According to reports, the farmers had filed a complaint application with the Paud police and had later claimed that there had been no action.
District administration officials told TOI on Friday that there has been no complaint of a threat to usurp land in Dhadawali village registered with their office against IAS probationer Puja Khedkar and her mother, Manorama Khedkar. The village is about two hours by road from Pune city. According to details sourced from the govt website, Manorama owns 4.2 hectares while Puja owns 4.7 hectares. The land documents sourced from the website mention their names on the mutation extracts, or 7/12 extracts (Record of Land Rights).
SP Pankaj Deshmukh (Pune Rural) told TOI, “We have verified the video clip with the persons who shot it during the incident on June 5, 2023 in Mulshi taluka.”
Deshmukh said, “A case is being registered under the relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Indian Arms Act against Manorama and the people who accompanied her, based on farmer Pandharinath Pasalkar’s (67) complaint.”
When contacted, Pasalkar told TOI, “I filed a complaint against Manorama and others for threatening us despite the fact that the land dispute case is pending before a civil court.They even lodged a complaint against us.”
Manorama did not respond to text messages sent to her by TOI seeking her version of the matter. Her lawyer Ravindra Sutar told TOI, “The land dispute is pending before the civil court at Shivajinagar in Pune. For now, I have no instructions from my client to offer any comments on the video which is in circulation on social media. You can contact my client to seek their comments.”
Sutar, however, released a video in which he said that Manorama is his client. “The disputed property is in her possession and the related documents are submitted before the court. When she had gone to visit the disputed land, some people did not allow her to enter the land. She has filed a complaint with the Paud police and the FIR has been submitted before the court. As the land is in a secluded spot, she was carrying her licensed firearm for self-defence,” Sutar has said in the video.
In the June 5, 2023 incident video, Manorama is seen having reached the spot along with some private male and female bouncers and an earthmoving machine and arguing with one of the farmers as both sides claim ownership of the land. According to reports, the farmers had filed a complaint application with the Paud police and had later claimed that there had been no action.
District administration officials told TOI on Friday that there has been no complaint of a threat to usurp land in Dhadawali village registered with their office against IAS probationer Puja Khedkar and her mother, Manorama Khedkar. The village is about two hours by road from Pune city. According to details sourced from the govt website, Manorama owns 4.2 hectares while Puja owns 4.7 hectares. The land documents sourced from the website mention their names on the mutation extracts, or 7/12 extracts (Record of Land Rights).
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