Sandeep took to X and shared the Telugu trailer of the film, which was released on June 21. Along with the post, the ‘Animal’ director wrote, “Superb trailer. Saw it three times. This is definitely a very new world & a very new experience. FDFS Pakka @nagashwin7 time to party..” And tagged Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone, Kamal Haasan, and music composer Santhosh Narayanan.
Directed by Nag Ashwin, this film is inspired by Hindu scriptures and set in the year 2898 AD.
The teaser presents Ashwin’s rather dystopian reimagining of Mahabharat via a futuristic vision. Fans are introduced to Kaashi, a far-off place perched atop a mountain that boasts all the comforts of home, including food, drink, and shelter. Struggling to reach the top, people from far places seek to receive assistance from Saswata Chatterjee’s portrayal of the King. Since he is the only monarch, all others have to bow down to him.
But gradually, it becomes clear that a child is being raised who has the potential to depose him and usher in a new Yug. Next, Deepika Padukone is introduced to us in the trailer. It is rumoured that she is expecting a child who will alter the course of history. The King of Kailash places a bounty on Deepika’s persona, presumably in recognition of the threat. Prabhas portrays Bhairava, the hunter who is regarded as the most accomplished. Amitabh Bachchan, who plays the character of Ashwatthama, informs Deepika Padukone that she is carrying ‘God’ in her womb.
At the end of the trailer, the king can be seen attempting to seize Deepika, a pregnant woman who is carrying his archenemy. Deployed for the assignment, Prabhas aka Bhairava, boasts that he has never lost a combat.
‘Kalki 2898 AD’ will be released on June 27 in theatres.
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