Shraddha Kapoor, who is known for keeping her personal life out of the media spotlight, recently shared a post that gave fans a glimpse into her life. On Thursday, Shraddha posted a photo on Instagram where she was seen enjoying Mumbai’s iconic Vada Pav, humorously “bullying” her rumoured boyfriend, Rahul Mody, into taking her for the treat.
“May I always bully you into taking me for vada pao,” Shraddha wrote, tagging Rahul in the caption. The actress added a nostalgic touch by featuring Kishore Kumar’s classic song “Yeh Vaada Raha” in the background, further fueling the attention on the playful moment.
The post quickly grabbed attention, especially as rumours had circulated earlier in August 2024 that the couple had parted ways. Media reports had suggested that Shraddha unfollowed Rahul and everyone associated with him on Instagram, though Rahul continued to follow her.
Despite the speculation, Shraddha addressed her relationship in an interview with Cosmopolitan, confirming her bond with Rahul, “I really love spending time with my partner and doing things with him, like watching a movie, going for dinner, or traveling. I am generally someone who likes to spend time doing things together or even not doing things together.”
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The dating rumours between Shraddha and Rahul began making headlines in early 2024. The couple was frequently spotted at public events, with Shraddha also attending a friend’s wedding with Rahul, which sparked further interest. Rahul Mody is a screenwriter known for his work as an assistant director on Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar, the film in which Shraddha starred alongside Ranbir Kapoor.
While Shraddha has kept a low profile amid the rumours, she continues to focus on her professional endeavors. The actress was last seen in the blockbuster film Stree 2, a sequel to the 2018 horror-comedy, and has not yet announced any new projects.
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