‘Singham Again’ which sees Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar, Ranveer Singh, Kareena Kapoor Khan, Deepika Padukone, Tiger Shroff and Arjun Kapoor has now completed 20 days at the box office. The film which released on Diwali, November 1, had clashed with Anees Bazmee’s ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’. One had actually thought, that BB 3 may suffer as it released with ‘Singham Again’ and the latter did earn better in the initial few days. However, the Kartik Aaryan, Vidya Balan starrer has left everyone shocked as it started earning better than ‘Singham Again’ and now is in the lead.
BB 3 started seeing a better number than ‘Singham Again’ just when its second week was about to begin. Gradually, with time, it also managed to beat the overall collections of the movie. After collecting Rs 173 crore nett in the first week, ‘Singham Again’ made Rs 47.5 crore in its second week. The third week is yet to end. On Wednesday, the film made around Rs 1.65 crore. Thus the total collection of the movie so far, is Rs 235.15 crore. Meanwhile, the total collection of BB 3 so far, in India is Rs 237 crore.
Both these films have slowly started seeing a bit of competition from ‘The Sabarmati Report’ now, as it’s gaining momentum due to word of mouth and has made in the range of Rs 1 crore each day from the time it released. The film may get better footfalls now that it has been declared tax free in regions like Madhya Pradesh and Haryana.
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