CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin on Monday rubbished claims of opposition parties that DMK would tie up with BJP. Stalin, however, was all praise for Union defence minister Rajnath Singh, who released a commemorative coin to mark late DMK leader M Karunanidhi’s centenary birth anniversary in Chennai on Sunday.
“We did not insist Rajnath Singh visit Kalaignar memorial, but he did.He saw the entire memorial and said he had never seen anything of this kind,” Stain said.
“He (Rajnath) then surprised us by asking everyone to give a standing ovation to Kalaignar. The gesture was overwhelming. He spoke about Karunanidhi in such a manner that not even our alliance party leaders or our own DMK men would have spoken,” Stalin added.
But he was quick to slam detractors for suggesting that DMK would ally with BJP. “Just because we invited Rajnath Singh, they began spreading misinformation that DMK would ally with BJP. We are under no compulsion to have any secret alliance with BJP,” Stalin said.
Recalling the words of Indira Gandhi on DMK, Stalin said the former PM had praised DMK saying that if Karunanidhi ever decided either to support or oppose a party it would be based on ideology. The words were sufficient to explain DMK’s stand on alliances, Stalin added.
Stalin flayed AIADMK general secretary Edappadi K Palaniswami, saying DMK had clarified its stand on forging an alliance by condemning the Centre. “Like Palaniswami, DMK does not have the habit of crawling to get posts,” he said.
“We did not insist Rajnath Singh visit Kalaignar memorial, but he did.He saw the entire memorial and said he had never seen anything of this kind,” Stain said.
“He (Rajnath) then surprised us by asking everyone to give a standing ovation to Kalaignar. The gesture was overwhelming. He spoke about Karunanidhi in such a manner that not even our alliance party leaders or our own DMK men would have spoken,” Stalin added.
But he was quick to slam detractors for suggesting that DMK would ally with BJP. “Just because we invited Rajnath Singh, they began spreading misinformation that DMK would ally with BJP. We are under no compulsion to have any secret alliance with BJP,” Stalin said.
Recalling the words of Indira Gandhi on DMK, Stalin said the former PM had praised DMK saying that if Karunanidhi ever decided either to support or oppose a party it would be based on ideology. The words were sufficient to explain DMK’s stand on alliances, Stalin added.
Stalin flayed AIADMK general secretary Edappadi K Palaniswami, saying DMK had clarified its stand on forging an alliance by condemning the Centre. “Like Palaniswami, DMK does not have the habit of crawling to get posts,” he said.
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