After Vikrant Massey‘s ’12th Fail’ was such a sleeper hit, expectations from the actor have been higher. He’s known to pick up movies which are content driven and the ones that make a mark. His recent release ‘The Sabarmati Report’ is based on true events, about the Godhra train burning incident. This is not a very heavily budget movie with big faces and also had a small release.
‘The Sabarmati Report’ made Rs 1.25 crore on day 1, which is Friday. This was a decent number considering that it was a niche film and released in only about 600 screens. However, it saw growth on Saturday which is great for a film like this which heavily depends on word of mouth. It made Rs 2 crore on Day 2, according to Sacnilk.com. The Sunday numbers will continue to grow if there is more word of mouth. The film did benefit from the Guru Nanak Jayanti holiday in the north. The total collection of the film so far is around Rs 3.25 crore.
Meanwhile, of course, the Diwali releases have continued to dominate at the box office. ‘Singham Again’ and ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’ have still continue to occupy more screens and also are doing better than the new release. But that’s also expected as ‘The Sabarmati Report’ is a multiplex movie which depends on word of mouth and content, and isn’t really this massy entertainer.
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