CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin on Friday announced a cash prize of Rs 5 crore for D Gukesh in recognition of his remarkable achievement of becoming the youngest World Chess Champion. Chennai-based Grandmaster Gukesh on Thursday became the youngest world chess champion at 18 years after beating title-holder Ding Liren of China in the 14th and last game of the title showdown in Singapore.
“To honour the monumental achievement of @DGukesh, the youngest-ever World Chess Champion, I am delighted to announce a cash prize of ₹5 crore!” Stalin said in a tweet.
“His historic victory has brought immense pride and joy to the nation. May he continue to shine and achieve greater heights in the future.
Gukesh became only the second Indian to clinch the coveted prize after the iconic Viswanathan Anand, who owned the crown five times in his career.
Gukesh secured the requisite 7.5 points as against 6.5 of his Chinese rival after winning the 14th and last classical time control game of the match that seemed headed for a draw for most part.
As winner, he will walk away with a whopping USD 1.3 million (approx Rs 11.03 crore) from the 2.5 million prize purse.
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