The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has released the hall tickets for the Tamil Nadu Combined Civil Services Examination for Group 4, scheduled for 9th June. Candidates appearing for this state-level examination can download their admit cards from the official website of TNPSC at tnpsc.gov.in or tnpscexams.in. The official notice of TNPSC mentions that the candidates can download the hall ticket by using their application number and date of birth, through OTR DASHBOARD.Here is the step-by-step guideline to download the TNPSC Group 4 admit card.
Step 1: Visit the official website of TNPSC at tnpsc.gov.in or tnpscexams.in.
Step 2: Locate and click on the TNPSC Group 4 hall ticket on the home page.
Step 3: Key in your application number and date of birth, and submit.
Step 4: Check the hall ticket visible on the screen.
Step 5: Download and keep a printout of the admit card for future use.
TNPSC Group 4 Exam 2024: Posts and exam pattern
The TNPSC group 4 exam is a recruitment drive that aims to fill 6,244 vacancies. The posts include Village Administrative Officer, Junior Assistant, Forest Apprentice, Typist and Steno Typist. The exam, to be conducted on 9th June in a single shift from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, consists of one paper of 300 marks. There are a total of 200 questions, divided into Part A and Part B
Step 1: Visit the official website of TNPSC at tnpsc.gov.in or tnpscexams.in.
Step 2: Locate and click on the TNPSC Group 4 hall ticket on the home page.
Step 3: Key in your application number and date of birth, and submit.
Step 4: Check the hall ticket visible on the screen.
Step 5: Download and keep a printout of the admit card for future use.
TNPSC Group 4 Exam 2024: Posts and exam pattern
The TNPSC group 4 exam is a recruitment drive that aims to fill 6,244 vacancies. The posts include Village Administrative Officer, Junior Assistant, Forest Apprentice, Typist and Steno Typist. The exam, to be conducted on 9th June in a single shift from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, consists of one paper of 300 marks. There are a total of 200 questions, divided into Part A and Part B
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