Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Sunday said that he has expressed his support to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on India hoisting the second summit on peace. However, he added that the summit cannot be organised in a country which did not sign the communique from the previous summit, Reuters reported.
He said that talks were underway with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and Switzerland for organizing the peace summit.
This came after PM Modi‘s historic visit to war-torn Ukraine on Friday where he asserted India’s stance as a peace-loving country.
“We were not neutral from day one, we have taken a side, and we stand firmly for peace,” PM Modi had said.
The 2nd peace summit is scheduled to be held in November this year.
Ukraine hosted its first summit in Switzerland, which saw participation from representatives of 92 countries, though Russia was not included.
He said that talks were underway with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, and Switzerland for organizing the peace summit.
This came after PM Modi‘s historic visit to war-torn Ukraine on Friday where he asserted India’s stance as a peace-loving country.
“We were not neutral from day one, we have taken a side, and we stand firmly for peace,” PM Modi had said.
The 2nd peace summit is scheduled to be held in November this year.
Ukraine hosted its first summit in Switzerland, which saw participation from representatives of 92 countries, though Russia was not included.
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