DEHRADUN: Omender Singh, 48, a trekker from Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, fell to his death while descending the Rudranath trek in Rudraprayag district on Wednesday. Singh, accompanied by his brother-in-law, slipped and fell into a 200m-deep gorge.
The Rudranath trek is considered one of the toughest treks among the Panch Kedar due to its steep and challenging paths.It typically takes about 3-4 days to complete the 20-km trek. Upon receiving the information about Singh’s death, a state disaster response force (SDRF) team from Gauchar launched a search operation despite adverse weather conditions.
“The body was recovered from a gorge in the jungle after a gruelling 12-hour search. The team had to trek 9km through rain-soaked and slippery terrain at night,” said sub-inspector Manmohan Singh, who led the 11-member rescue team, adding, “The body was stuck at a precarious point with an 800m-1 km-deep gorge below and it was pitch dark. The rain made the task even more difficult as the narrow path was highly susceptible to mudslides.”
He added that a temporary stretcher using wooden logs and ropes was built to carry the body to the nearest road.
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