JAMMU: BJP’s Samba district chief and its Jammu district youth wing chief resigned from the party on Saturday, alleging wrong selection and omission of candidates for J&K assembly polls.
Protesting against the selection of former National Conference minister Surjit Singh Salathia from Samba, BJP Samba chief Kashmira Singh shot off a letter to state BJP chief Ravinder Raina.”With a heavy heart, I am resigning from the primary membership of the party, which I have served for 42 long years. I joined BJP inspired by the ideology of Syama Prasad Mukherjee. However, the party now seems to have adopted the ideology of Sheikh Abdullah, which I cannot support,” the letter reads.
BJYM Jammu district chief Kanav Sharma resigned in protest against BJP’s decision to pick Yudhvir Sethi for Jammu East seat. Sharma said, “My conscience does not allow me to support individuals with questionable character. Sethi is well known for his corrupt practices, especially during the tenure of his wife Priya Sethi as education minister.”
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