The UPSC CMS exam is scheduled for July 14, 2024.This year, the recruitment drive will fill a total of 827 Medical Officers vacancy.
How to download UPSC CMS 2024 Admit Card?
To obtain the UPSC CMS Admit Card 2024, follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit the official website of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) at upsconline.nic.in/.
Step 2: Look for the link titled “E-Admit Card for Combined Medical Services Examination 2024”.
Step 3: You will need to provide your Registration Number, Date of Birth, and enter the Captcha code as prompted.
Step 4: Once you have entered the required details, click on the ‘Submit’ button.
Step 5: Your digital hall ticket for the UPSC CMS 2024 exam will be generated and available for download.
Here’s the direct link to download UPSC CMS 2024 Admit Card
Commission issues important instructions for UPSC CMS 2024 exam
The UPSC in its notice asked candidates to check the e-Admit Card and bring any discrepancy, to the notice of the Commission.
On the day of the examination, candidates are required to carry this e-Admit Card (printout), along with an (original) Photo Identity Card, whose number is mentioned in the e-Admit Card, in each Session to secure admission to the Examination Hall. Further, it instructed that the e-Admit Card must be preserved by the candidate till the declaration of final result.
Candidates who are unable to produce their e-Admit Cards for checking in at the allotted venue, will not be allowed to enter the examination venue.
The notice also stated that candidates’ entry to the examination venue would be closed 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the examination in each session, i.e. 09:00 AM for the forenoon session and 01:30 PM for the afternoon session. No candidate will be permitted to enter the Examination Venue after the entry period has closed.
Candidates without a clear photograph on their e-Admit Card were required to bring two passport-size photographs (one for each session) to be affixed to the undertaking provided at the examination venue.
It was also stated that any omission, error, or discrepancy in encoding or filling out details on the OMR/Answer sheet, particularly the Roll Number and Test Booklet Series Code, would result in the Answer Sheet being rejected.
Check notice below:
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