Taking to X, Ramesh said,” District officials in Maharajganj, Bansi, Meerut, and Muzaffarnagar of Uttar Pradesh are being pressured over the phone to ensure victory in their respective constituencies.”
In his post, Congress leader also warned the government officials and said that if INDIA bloc comes to power such interference with democracy will not be tolerated.
Lok Sabha Elections
Assembly Elections
Administrative officials should remember that the government is changing, and such interference with democracy will not be tolerated.
counting of votes on Tuesday threw up disappointing results for the BJP-led NDA in the Lok Sabha elections, which appears to be losing heavily in its strongholds of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan although it is expected to form the government with about 290 seats.
On its own, the BJP appeared to be falling below the majority mark with leads in 240 seats despite significant gains in Odisha, Telangana and Kerala, giving some solace to the party after the unexpected losses in the Hindi belt.
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